We are currently only getting 12% oxygen in at cellular level and due to air pollution and toxins in the body it blocks oxygen to your cells.
We’re breathing in gasses, bacteria and germs and we’re getting 200% less oxygen than 50 years ago but we expect our bodies to function properly on this 12% only.
It will just never work.
We need 40% oxygen at cellular level to stay healthy and for our bodies to function optimally.
Dr. Otto Warburg from Germany, a 2 Nobel Prize Winner, proved that bacteria and viruses cannot exist in high levels of oxygen.
He also proved that if the human body is oxygenated to 40% at cellular level bacteria and viruses can no longer exist in the body.
The body can heal itself 300% quicker with sufficient oxygen.

Ozone does 2 crucial things in your body
No. 1 – Ozone binds with your red blood cells transporting oxygen through your body to your organs to increase O2 levels.
No. 2 – Ozone also builds white blood cells in your body for resistance and strengthens your immune system.
Ozone destroys all germs, bacteria and viruses in the air and breaks down air pollution 3000 times faster to enable you to breathe in super oxygen and your body starts healing from the inside.
Medical professionals proved that ozone is the answer to the 3 main reasons why people get sick:
No. 1 is Air Pollution
The WHO, the World Health Organisation, proved that 1 out of 8 deaths can be attributed to air pollution. 1 out of 8.
7 Million people worldwide die yearly due to air pollution of which 40% of those can be attributed to outdoor pollution, in other words what you breathe in.
No. 2 is a Weak Immune System
Your immune system is your resistance to germs, bacteria, viruses and health issues and due to a weak immune system we don’t have the resistance anymore.
Ozone therapy focuses on the cause of illnesses and not just the illness itself.
No. 3 is a lack of oxygen at cellular level in your body
We are currently only getting 12% oxygen in at cellular level and due to air pollution and toxins in the body it blocks oxygen to your cells.
We’re breathing in gasses, bacteria and germs and we’re getting 200% less oxygen than 50 years ago but we expect our bodies to function properly on this 12% only.
We need 40% oxygen at cellular level to stay healthy and for our bodies to function optimally.
Dr. Otto Warburg from Germany, a 2 Nobel Prize Winner, proved that bacteria and viruses cannot exist in high levels of oxygen.
The first 21 days with our product is very important.
It takes 21 days to increase your oxygen levels to 40% and to get rid of all the toxins in the body.
100 health benefits of ozone oxygen therapy
Blood Circulation
Mineral Absorption
Amino Acid Utilisation
Vitamin Intake
Brain Function
Mental Stability
Heart Function
Mental Concentration
Faulty Metabolism
Memory Loss
Blood Pressure
Harmful Micro Organisms
Bad Colon Bacteria
Detoxifies the Lymph System
Detoxifies every cell in the body
Oxygenates Pancreas
Oxygenates Spleen
Oxygenates Haemoglobin
(red blood cells)
Oxygenates Lung, Heart & Kidney
Brain Fog
Dirty Fluids
Breaks down Cellulite
Builds and Tones Muscles
Burns Fat
Blood Purifier
Burns off Excess Sugar
Boosts Energy Levels
Blood Booster
Breaks up Cholesterol
Liver Cleanser
Lightens the Hearts Workload
Protects against strokes
Releases Tension
Relives Muscle Aches
Relieves angina
Poisons in the Body
Fights Morbific Materials
Fights Infection
Fights Herpes
Fights Emphysema
Fights Fibro Myalgia
Fights Bronchial Problems
Degenerative Diseases
Colds and Flu
Premature ageing
Irregular Heartbeat
Lymes Disease
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Nerve Related Diseases
Peripheral Vascular Diseases
Fever Blisters
Epstein Barr
Heart attacks
Chronic Hostility
Environmental Toxicity
Stomach Acid
Cell Energiser
Combats Depression
Calms Nerves
Calms Temperament
Enteritis Disorders Prevents MS
Eliminates Lactic Acid
Enhances Mood
Vitality Booster
Heightens Alertness
Helps Supplements to work Better
Increases Cellular Vitality
Ignite Carbohydrates